A warm welcome from Roy and Lyn Walters and to our Welsh Deli butchery business.


A long way from home, I’m a Boyo from Wales and when I was able to start exploring the world for my employment, working in the Circuit Board Industry, I was lucky enough to have travelled to and through many countries. I’ve been to China, Israel, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, Germany, France, Poland, Philippines (where I call home now) and a few other places as well.

Some of our Streaky Bacon

While in Shanghai, I had countless conversations with these guys asking about the right primal cuts I could use, how to identify the right quality, what to look for and what not to look for and what ingredients to use to get the taste just like home. I even worked for a friend who owned a restaurant where he taught me knife skills by letting me carve the Sunday roasts of lamb, beef and pork for his customers. My weekends off. I was determined to learn as much as I could and this was where I also learned to make pies as they had a great range of Britsh Style Pies.

In 2002 I found myself in the Philippines where I met Lyn, fell in love, got married had two wonderful children, Johan and Krislyn and put down roots to make Philippines my home. I was still working, flying around the world, and whenever I was able to spend time at home I would experiment with trial and error with my bacon, ham and sausages, even bringing some samples back to Shanghai for my butcher mates to try and give feedback on. It was a long winding road as some ingredients weren’t easy to find, but I was getting there. At least that’s what I kept telling myself, and with the support of Lyn and family and encouragement from my mates I was determined to succeed.

Wow, I didn’t realise I’d written so much lol.

I kept on going making the bacon mainly, ham and sausage a little less frequent, for my own consumption and shared a bit with some close friends in Philippines. Mainly because I was still working overseas and wanted to spend the free time with the family. As time went on the work started to taper down and I stopped around late 2017 early 2018. I had already started to pick up the production roughly around mid 2016, and my friends started to convince me to think about starting to supply others as they said that my products were top tasting. So that’s what Lyn and I decided to jump into.

Over the recent years we worked hard, spent time on improving our supply chain with quality suppliers of the raw meat and searched for quality ingredients that make our expanded ready to eat lines. I am still in touch with a few of my butcher mates around the world and hit them up for information on better upto date machinery and tools from time to time, and they keep me informed on what new items are trending and advise me on trying some out to add to my list.

Orders Ready To Go

We’ve built up a great customer base and clientele and we get great feedback with words of encouragement and photos of their BBQs and breakfast meals, which we really love to see. I am eternally gratefully to Lyn and the kids for helping me and supporting me with what has become my dream venture and eternally grateful for my customers returning time and time again just giving me the strength to know we are doing a good job.

Of course I can’t leave out the help and advice from my butcher friends and friends from my travels. I have to mention them as they will surely read this. But I must say it did take a lot of study, meetings, but always with a refreshing amber lager… or 2.. or more lol, to get to where we are now.

Well, I could go on and on but I think I’ll leave it here, and you never know, if you want to have a chat about my colourful journey maybe we could get together and have a BBQ and chat over a few beers while the sausages cook up.

Go through and browse our fine selection of products and feel free to reach out to Lyn or myself to make enquiries on what your Welsh Deli needs might be.

Cheers, Roy.